4. Install the pivot ball on the throttle arm.
5. Temporarily mount the engine inverted using the
hardware included with the engine.
6. Snap a nylon ball socket onto the pivot ball. Mark
the fuel line and throttle pushrod locations on the fi rewall.
Remove the engine.
7. Drill the fi rewall for the throttle and fuel line.
8. Install the muffl er on the engine and reinstall the engine
on the fuselage. Be sure to use Threadlocker on all the bolts.
Assemble the Fuel Tank
1. Clean both ends of the brass tubes with fi ne sandpaper.
2. Solder fuel line barbs (not included) onto one end of
the brass tubes.
3. Insert the brass tubes in the fuel tank stopper and
stopper plates. Loosely install the fuel tank stopper screw.
4. Solder barbs on the other end of the two shorter
brass tubes.
5. Carefully bend the vent tube.