• two connected to separate channels on RX to connect
to top wing servo leads
• two connected to bottom wing aileron servo leads to
exit wing
Two 6" [153mm] servo extensions for connecting the
bottom aileron servos to the RX
Whichever option you choose, a battery pack with a
minimum of 1,000mAh should also be used for the RX! For
a gas model, a battery pack with a minimum 600mAh rating
should be used for the ignition. When flying giant-scale
models such as this, you should ALWAYS check the battery
condition before each flight.
The recommended engine size range for the Giant
Aeromaster ARF is specified on the cover of this manual. All
engines within the specified range will power this model
well. Never fly the Giant Aeromaster ARF with an engine
larger than one in the specified range because it has not
been designed or tested for larger engines. Powered by a
two-stroke glow engine such as the O.S.
BGX-1 3500
(OSMG0352), the Giant Aeromaster ARF performs like any
60-size sport plane with the added stability and durability of
any well-designed giant plane. If flying the Giant Aeromaster
ARF with a glow engine, the kit includes a plywood engine
mount plate to facilitate the use of a 1.20 to 1.60 adjustable
engine mount.
If you haven’t yet built a model with a gas engine, but are
considering using one, two of the benefits are fuel economy
(not only is gas cheaper than glow fuel, but gas engines
typically burn less fuel as well) and considerably cleaner
exhaust residue. Most gas engines, however, are heavier than
glow engines and require premixing gas and oil.
Here are the order numbers for O.S. MAX, SuperTigre
and Fuji-Imvac
O.S. 1.60 FX 1.60 cu in 2-Stroke Glow Engine (OSMG0661)
SuperTigre G-3250 1.98 cu in 2-Stroke Glow
Engine (SUPG0268)
BGX-1 3500 2.13 cu in 2-Stroke Glow
Engine (OSMG0352)
Fuji-Imvac BT-43EI Electric Ignition Gas Engine (FJIG0143)
Per the IMAA Safety Code, magneto spark-ignition engines
must have a coil-grounding switch on the aircraft to stop the
engine and prevent accidental starting. The switch must be
operated manually (without the use of the transmitter) and
be accessible by the pilot and assistant. For use with the
Fuji-Imvac engine shown, the manually-operated switch
was made from a .3 Amp slide switch, 16-gauge wire and a
covered, crimp-on connector purchased at the local Radio
. Slightly different hardware may be required if using
a different spark-ignition engine. All of the components
required are available at any hardware or home-
improvement store.
In addition to the items listed in the
“Decisions You Must
Make” section, following is the list of hardware and
accessories required to finish the Giant Aeromaster ARF.
Order numbers are provided in parentheses.
Propeller and spare propellers suitable for your engine
R/C foam rubber (1/4" [6mm] – HCAQ1000, or 1/2"
[13mm] – HCAQ1050)
Stick-on segmented lead weights (GPMQ4485)
In addition to common household tools and hobby tools, this
is the “short list” of the most important items required to
build the Giant Aeromaster ARF.
Great Planes Pro
CA and
Epoxy glue are recommended.
Great Planes Pro 1/2 oz.
[14g] Thin Pro
CA (GPMR6001)
Great Planes Pro 1/2 oz. [14g] Medium Pro
CA+ (GPMR6007)
Great Planes Pro 30-minute epoxy (GPMR6047)
Denatured alcohol (for epoxy clean up)
CA applicator tips (HCAR3780)
Great Planes Threadlocker
compound (GPMR6060)
Drill bits: 1/16" [1.6mm], 3/32" [2.4mm], 1/8" [3.2mm],
3/16" [4.8mm], 13/64" [5.2mm], 15/64 [6mm], 1/4"
[6.4mm], 9/32" [7.1mm]
Great Planes 8-32 tap and drill set (GPMR8103)
8-32 tap and #29 drill
Great Planes tap handle (GPMR8120)
Small metal file
Great Planes Silver Solder w/flux (GPMR8070)
Hobbico #1 hobby knife (HCAR0105)
Hobbico #11 blades (5-pack, HCAR0211)
21st Century
sealing iron (COVR2700)
21st Century iron covers (COVR2702)
Adhesives & Building Supplies
Hardware & Accessories
Engine Recommendations