L-SOLUTION 100 Ex Fibre machine
. 34
First contact
Definition of the machine used
(pict. 1)
A list of the machines available appears by clicking the
“machine” drop down menu
. Select the name of the
machine you want to use.
Definition of the plate
(pict. 1)
A list of 3 available pre-defined plates is displayed by
clicking the “plate” drop down menu
rubber stamp", "Untitled") . Select the name of the plate
you want to use.
From these 3 pre-defined plates, you can define another
plate by entering its dimensions :
correspond to the plate dimensions you have to
enter for them to be
the same as those defined
in your software; otherwise there might no output, a partial
output or a poor alignment of the graphics. The operator
has to enter the suitable setting values (the maximum
dimensions allowed are those of the machine maximum
engraving area).
Printer driver
correspond to the original engraving which is the default value of the machine (point (0.0) in the top left
corner of the engraving table).
Once your new parameters defined, save them with a new name of plate. Change the name and click
in order to
add it in the list of your plates. Click
in order to delete the selected plate. The 3 pre-defined plates "Default","Default
rubber stamp" and "Untitled" can not be modified or deleted.
Selecting the percentage of the power available on the LASER machine
(pict. 2)
By clicking on the arrows
, Select the percentage of
the power which you wish for your machine.