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Fuselage and canopy
Installing the canopy latch
Trim the canopy pin support rail (channeled hardwood strip) to fit inside the canopy.
Carefully de-burr the steel locating pin, round off the end, and glue it in the support
rail; note that the pin must project beyond the end of the rail by about 22 mm. Glue
the pin support rail in the canopy in such a way that the pin projects by about 6 mm
beyond the edge of the moulding. There should be a gap about 3 mm wide between
the pin and the inside face of the canopy. Using a round file, carefully file a small
notch in the front of the canopy flange to accommodate the canopy retaining pin.
Take care: don’t file away too much material! The canopy is retained on the fuselage
by a GRP leaf-spring; the spring should project beyond the rear end of the canopy by
10 mm. Tack the canopy spring in place with cyano, then epoxy one or two layers of
160 g glass cloth over it and onto the canopy, over a length of 50 to 60 mm. Remem-
ber to sand the joint surfaces with 80-grit abrasive paper before applying the glue.