Änderungen vorbehalten! Keine Haftung für Druckfehler 03/2009
Press the rubber grommets and tubular metal spacers into the servo mounting lugs
as described for the aileron servos, drill pilot-holes for the retaining screws, and
secure the servos with the screws supplied in the accessory pack.
Set both servos to centre from the transmitter, and fit the output arms on them as
shown in the photo.
The rudder and elevator pushrods must be adjusted so that the control surfaces are
exactly at centre when the servos are at neutral: screw the clevises in or out until this
is the case, then tighten the locknuts against them. A drop of UHU schraubensicher
(thread-lock fluid) should be applied to each nut to prevent them working loose.
Installing the motor and noseleg unit
The noseleg bracket is screwed to the firewall as shown in the photo.
Drill a hole in the
right-hand side
of the nosewheel spat in the position stated in the
Fit the wheel spat, the wheel and the collets on the nosewheel axle.
The spat should now be screwed to the noseleg in such a way that the underside lies
parallel to the fuselage centreline.
Tighten the grubscrews in the collets to position the wheel in the centre of the spat
opening. These grubscrews must also be secured with UHU thread-lock fluid to
prevent them shaking loose; the same applies to the retaining screw in the
nosewheel steering arm. The nosewheel is steered by means of a pushrod which
runs from the firewall back to the rudder servo. Adjust the length of the nosewheel
pushrod so that the wheel is exactly in the ‘straight ahead’ position when the rudder
is at neutral.
Mount the swivel pushrod connector in the servo output arm as shown in the photo.
Note that the swivel connector must be free to rotate smoothly, but without noticeable
slop. Tighten the clamping screw in the swivel connector with the servo at centre and
the nosewheel ‘straight ahead’. Use a drop of thread-lock to prevent the screw
working loose.
Install the throttle servo in the servo plate as shown. The servo output arm should be
fixed to the servo output shaft in such a way that the carburettor is exactly half-open
when the servo is at centre. Mount the swivel pushrod connector in the servo output
arm, and ensure that it rotates smoothly, but without slop.
Fix the plastic motor mounts to the firewall using the fixings supplied in the packet.
Here again it is extremely important to lock the nuts with thread-lock fluid to prevent
the screws working loose.
The motor should be fixed to the arms of the motor mounts in such a position that the
distance between the front face of the firewall and the propeller driver is 122 mm (see