Änderungen vorbehalten! Keine Haftung für Druckfehler 03/2009
Fast-setting epoxy resin, e.g. UHU plus schnellfest, Order No. 962
Slow-setting epoxy resin, e.g. UHU plus endfest 300, Order No. 950.43
White glue, e.g. UHU Holzleim express, Order No. 958.60
Cellulose cement, e.g. UHU hart, Order No. 534.35
Cyano-acrylate glue (“cyano”), e.g. Order No. 5821
Cyano-acrylate glue (“cyano”), e.g. Order No. 5822
Thread-lock fluid, e.g. Order No. 952
Accessories for flying the model
(not included)
Synthetic oil based glow fuel, to suit motor
Fuel filter, e.g. Order No. 1650.1
Fuel tubing, e.g. Order No. 1643
Manual fuel pump, e.g. Order No. 1610 or 6870
Glowplug energizer battery and clip, e.g. Order No. 3248
Electric starter, e.g. Order No. 1628
Starter battery, e.g. Order No. 2592
Tools required
(not included)
Various (cross-point) screwdrivers, pointed-nose pliers, flat-nose pliers, side-cutters,
balsa knife or razor blade, set of twist drills, universal glowplug spanner, pencil, felt-
tip pen, fine-tip soldering iron, Z-bend pliers, Order No. 5732.
Assembling the
Piper Cherokee
Wing and undercarriage
Don’t start building the model until you have read right through the building
instructions and are familiar with all the model’s components and stages of
construction. If you are not satisfied with any part, inform your supplier before you
start work on the aircraft.
The first step is to install the hinges in the ailerons: start by marking a centreline on
each one as shown in the photo.
The hinges should now be pushed into the ailerons as far as the pencil mark, and
glued in place. Thin cyano works well for this: push the hinges into the slots to a
depth of about 1 mm, then apply a drop of cyano on both sides before pushing them
in as far as the pencil line.
Allow the glue to set hard, then offer up the ailerons to the wings “dry” (no glue) to
check that they fit accurately; you may need to adjust the slots in the wing panels
slightly. Now push all the hinges into the wing slots to a depth of about 1 mm, apply a
drop of glue to both sides of each hinge, then push the control surfaces up against
the wing trailing edge, leaving a gap about 0.5 mm wide between wing and control
Extend the aileron servos using extension leads, Order No. 3935.11, and shrink
pieces of heat-shrink tubing round the joints to prevent them working loose;