Änderungen vorbehalten! Keine Haftung für Druckfehler 03/2009
lugs. Note that the underside of the spats should lie parallel to the underside of the
The fairings are glued to the undercarriage legs as shown in the following photos:
first glue one fairing shell in place, allow the glue to set hard, then fit the second
Check that the shells fit together snugly before fitting them.
Apply white glue (UHU wood glue) to one root rib, and slide both wings together on
the aluminium joiner tube. Tape the panels together as shown while the glue is
hardening, and wipe off excess glue where it is squeezed out of the joint.
The next step is to glue the central underside fairing to the wing; for this you must
attach the wing to the fuselage by inserting the two hardwood dowels in the matching
holes in the fuselage former, and fitting the plastic screws (with plywood spreader
discs) into the nuts in the fuselage. Mark round the spreader discs on the wings and
peel off the covering film inside the rings before gluing the discs to the wing surface.
Cut two holes about 16 mm in diameter in the bottom fairing at the stated points; they
should be slightly larger than the diameter of the retaining screw flanges.
Remove the covering film from the underside of the fuselage over an area slightly
smaller than the outline of the fuselage fairing, then glue the fairing to the wing.
Fuselage and tail panels
Attach the rudder and elevator to the fin and tailplane using the hinges provided,
using the method described for the ailerons (see photos).
Insert the fin in the appropriate slot in the fuselage turtle deck, and press it down until
the front strake rests on the fuselage. Mark the outline of the fuselage on the fin, and
the outline of the strake on the top of the fuselage.
Withdraw the fin again, and remove the covering film from the fin and the turtle deck,
cutting slightly inside the marked lines.
Apply glue to the fin and the slot in the turtle deck, and insert the fin in the slot.
Allow the glue to set hard, then fit the tailplane in the slots in the tail end of the
fuselage and position it as shown in the photo: it must be both ‘square’ and central.
Mark the outline of the fuselage on both faces of the tailplane.
Apply glue to the tailplane and insert it in the slots in the fuselage once more.
Position it carefully as previously, and tape or pin the parts together until the glue has
set hard.
Assemble the rudder and elevator horns as described for the ailerons, and glue them
in the control surfaces.
The rudder and elevator servos can be installed while you are waiting for the glue to