PDR 100 Fibre Channel Installation
PDR 100 Fibre Channel Installation
Board Location Guide
This board location guide identifies the inputs and outputs of each Profile board
currently available for a PDR100, as well as the input and output connections on
the Video Router connectors on the motherboard. Use this information when:
• you add a new circuit board to the Profile system and need to select a slot
into which you can install it;
• you need to move boards around to meet requirements for new boards.
As you move boards around, remember that some circuit boards must occupy
specific slots, while others can be installed in almost any slot as long as their I/O
requirements are met.
This section provides a simple approach to board location. It explains the
relationship between the motherboard and Video Router connectors and provides
tables, charts and examples to assist you in installing boards.
Video Router to Motherboard Relationship
The Video Router provides and controls video data to twelve connectors on the
motherboard. These video data connectors are aligned with the main motherboard
connectors for slots J5 through J16. Since the Ref Gen board must occupy J16 to
provide the necessary system clocks, this discussion excludes J16.
When choosing a slot for a board, the major constraint on a slot is how the board
connects to the Video Router. Not all boards require the same number of video I/O
connections, and not all video data connectors provide the same number of video
I/O connections. Therefore, you must know how many input and output
connections the board needs, and the slot available that meets those needs.
Board I/O Requirements and Restrictions
Table 3 lists each of the boards which may be installed in the Profile system and
the recommended slots, possible alternatives, and restrictions for each board.
Note that if more than one slot is recommended or possible for a board, those slots
are listed in the order of preference.