When the “Invert Colors” box is selected, the background and
foreground colors are switched to separate the “No
Read Commands” from the actual script.
Setting SCRIPTview Options
Select Options from the Viewer menu to display the SCRIPTview Options dialog box. This dialog box enables you to configure
various aspects of your SCRIPT Viewer.
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Installation and Operations Manual • © 1999 ParkerVision, Inc.
<<Pause Here>>
<<Wait A Second>>
<<Sit Up/Smile/Get Set>>
<<Macro Step Here>>
Text Settings
On the previous page, you learned about how to insert script commands into your script.
SCRIPT Viewer also enables you to change how each command appears on the SCRIPTview
The default text settings are:
• Pause
<< Pause >>
• Delay
<< Delay %u >>
• Cue Message:
<< Start %u >>
• TMacro Message:
<< TMacro Step: %u >>
%u represents the amount of time you enter into the
Cue Command
To change a text setting:
1. Open the
SCRIPTview Options
dialog box.
2. Click the
Text Settings
3. Enter the word(s) you’d like to appear in the text box beside each message setting.
4. Click
These changes only affect the text on the viewer. They do not affect the text in
the SCRIPTedit window.
Pause File Settings
The Pause File is the RTF file appended to the end of the Active Script after using the APPEND hotkey.
While it is called the Pause File and may contain a Pause Message, it may contain any text or SCRIPTview
command and may also be considered a Script Seperator.