CHAPTER 3 Settings and Measurement
16 . File name display
(1) During data capture
A file name is displayed during the recording.
* If the ring capturing setting is ON, a file name displayed during capture ends with "_RINGx" (x
represents a number) but the actual file name does not include "_RINGx".
As an example, if the ring capturing is set to ON in the above figure, the file name during recording will
be displayed, as "<MEM>170711\PREFIX_170711-130955_RING4.GBD" but the actually file created will
be "<MEM>170711\PREFIX_170711-130955.GBD".
* For details, refer to “3.5 Setting Menus” - “(2) DATA settings”.
(2) During data replay
Information on the time axis of the cursor is displayed during Y-T replay.
Time to which the cursor points
Selected cursor
Time difference between Cursors A and B
17 . Scale upper/lower limit
Displays the scale upper/lower limit of the currently active CH.
18 . Y-T waveform display
Displays the Y-T waveform of the input signal.
(The vertical axis is the measured value and the horizontal axis is time.)