Grange Machinery Ltd.
Sproatley Grange
HU11 4PT
M: 07918 515385
T: 01482 815711
E: [email protected]
W: www.grangemachinery.co.uk
Grange Machinery Ltd.
Sproatley Grange
HU11 4PT
M: 07918 515385
T: 01482 815711
E: [email protected]
W: www.grangemachinery.co.uk
11.1 Road Vehicles (Construction
and Use) Regulations 1986
The legislation which covers the transportation of the Grange 3m LDT
equipment on the UK public highway when coupled to the tractor
is The Construction and Road Use Regulations (C&U) 1986. The
requirements to apply are as follows;
i) Check the dimensions (width and length) and mass (kg) of and 2nd
stage cultivation/seeding equipment which are coupled to the
Grange 3m LDT equipment.
The maximum permitted masses and vehicle dimensions for
transporting the Grange 3m LDT and associated 2nd stage
cultivation/seeding equipment is as follows (Not including
the tractor);
i) The maximum permitted mass of a trailed implement is
14,230kg. The operator’s manual for the 2nd stage cultivation/
seeding equipment must be checked to verify its mass, including
any restrictions on transportation on the public highway with
material in a seed hopper.
ii) A maximum width of 2.55m
iii) A maximum length of 15m.
The speed limit and required notification to the authorities
are as follows;
i) If the overhang of the Grange 3m LDT equipment in the transport
position exceeds 305mm from the widest point of the tractor wheel
/ tyre setting, a width marker board is required.
ii) As the transport width of the 3.0m LDT equipment is between
3.0m and 3.5m with or without any 2nd stage cultivation / seeding
equipment coupled up, the maximum speed limit of the tractor and
the Grange 3m LDT equipment is 20mph. If the planned journey
exceeds 5 miles, or the speed limit on any of the public highway is
40mph or less, the operator must notify the Police in advance of
the journey.
12.0 Getting started in the field
Note the requirement for the use of appropriate PPE (gloves, overalls and safety
boots) as components such as cutting discs have sharp edges.
Once arriving in the field, the machine must be set-up correctly for the cultivation
routines. Stop the movement controls of the tractor, apply the handbrake,
stop the engine
Using the tractor hydraulics lower the three point linkage to position the rear
attachment of the hitch of the Grange 3m LDT to resemble the same height
as the tractor drawbar. Refer to the tractors operators’ manual for the safe
operation of externally mounted hydraulic controls.
Please note the three
point linkage of the tractor now needs to be locked in position. The
Grange 3m LDT is now setup in the working position, ref fig 11.0. Stop the
movement controls of the tractor, apply the handbrake, stop the engine and
remove the key.
There is one disc ram located centrally under the headstock. There are two
main beam lift rams. The disc ram rotates the cutting discs out of work,
whereas the main beam rams elevate the low disturbance legs out of the
ground eliminating the need to raise the tractor three point linkage on the
headland turns.
iii) Assess the soil conditions and starting with the single disc ram apply the
required number of spacers, ref fig 12.0. Following on with the main beam lift
rams; apply a consistent number of spacers to each ram as illustrated in fig
13.0. Each spacer is colour coded to represent different thicknesses. For safe
and efficient operation of the Grange 3m LDT, the two main beam rams must
be operating to an even depth. The low disturbance legs can cultivate to a
depth of 300mm.
iv) When commencing work the cutting discs need to enter the ground between
50mm and 75mm.
Return to the tractor, restart the engine and activate the tractor auxiliary
hydraulics to engage the discs and lower the main beam to the ground whilst
engaging a slow forward speed.
vi) In the event that adjustments need to be made in the field for the Grange
3m LDT working depth, apply the following procedure; Firstly raise the main
beam fully and rotate the discs out of work. Stop the movement controls
of the tractor, apply the handbrake, stop the engine and remove the key.
The adjustment of the spacers can be performed safely with the operator
positioning themselves at the front of the Grange 3m LDT.
11.0 Transport safety
Before undertaking transport of the Grange 3m LDT equipment
on the public highway refer to the details in section 11.1 with
regards to road legislation.
Please refer to section 9.0 for the correct tractor front counterbalance
when connecting 2nd stage cultivation / seeding equipment.