sysTeM PoWer
SafeGait 360° Balance and Mobility Trainer |
Instructions for Use | SG360-IFU-004 Rev B
2. If necessary, power on the router by pressing the POWER BUTTON LOCATED AT THE BACK OF THE
The router powers up and established the closed wireless network. The LEDs (from left to right) are in the
following state:
(digital subscriber line): Off (The router has no DSL connection).
Off (The router has no internet connection).
Solid blue.
(Universal Serial Bus): Off.
Power on the kiosk by pressing the power button at the top right of the tablet. Confirm that
the kiosk is charged prior to starting a session. If the kiosk is not fully charged and loses power
during a session, the connection to the actuator will be lost and need to be reestablished by
connecting to an outlet power source and pressing the power button.
The status indicator, located to the right of the touch pad, turns on. After the operating system boots, the
Windows login screen is displayed. Login as the “therapist” user with your provided credentials. After
logging in, the Windows® operating system desktop displays briefly until the SafeGait Patient Management
Software starts. After running diagnostics, the
screen displays.
Use the kiosk to access only the application. Doing so can negatively affect the
SafeGait application.
Power on the handheld remote control by pressing the power button located at the top of the
right side of the device. Confirm that the handheld remote control is charged prior to starting a
session. If the handheld remote is not fully charged and loses power during a session, the device
will turn off and control will automatically be transferred to the kiosk.
Launch the SafeGait Patient Management Software on the handheld remote control by touching
the SafeGait icon.
If there is a loss of communication between kiosk and actuator, this will be
indicated by a ‘WHITE LED’ on the status bar and an error message on the kiosk/hand
held. If communication loss occurs during a patient fall it could result in severe discom-
fort. If communication is not re-established within two (2) minutes, then follow these
steps: 1) Support the patient with assistance from other staff if needed or other available
equipment nearby. 2) Use the Positioning screen to introduce ‘slack’ on the Actuator
Strap and Shoulder Straps while continuing to support patient. 3) Disconnect Shoulder
Straps from the Harness while patient is supported. 4) Get patient into safe position such
as chair or mat table. 5) Call Gorbel Medical support.
The system can remain powered on between therapy sessions. Depending on the facility’s energy conser-
vation policy, most system components can remain powered on for an extended period of time.