To delete a channel highlight it using[UP] or [DOWN] RED/GREEN, then highlight the Delete button using [LEFT]
or [RIGHT]and press SELECT. A message is displayed to confirm your decision, if you still want to delete press SELECT
once more and the channel will be deleted, else the operation will be cancelled if you select NO.
The channel names which appear in the channel list and the information banner are assigned by the broadcasters and
some longer names are abbreviated to become unrecognisable. You can edit the names to suit your preferences with
the Edit Name function.Highlight the channel to be renamed, highlight the EDIT NAME button at the base of the screen
using the [LEFT] or [RIGHT] keys, and press [SELECT]. The highlighted channel name appears on the right of the screen
with the first character highlighted by a cursor. Any of the characters that make up a channel name can be highlighted
using the [LEFT] or [RIGHT] keys and the highlighted character changed by pressing the [UP] or [DOWN] keys to cycle
through the alphabet, numbers and other characters available.