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SmartOne C User Manual
Confidential & Proprietary Information
9100-0410-01 R2.4
Accelerometer –
A sensor used for detecting and measuring vibration.
Accumulate Hours –
The activity time accumulated in the Inputs of the device while the Input is in the user
defined state.
Activation –
The activation of an ESN (electronic serial number) on the Globalstar satellite network. The process
consists of programming a start and an end date for the use of the ESN and the payment of certain fees to
Globalstar. Sometimes referred to as “provisioning.”
At Rest –
A tracker is considered to be at rest when the comparison of a new GPS reading to a previous GPS
reading indicates that the tracker has not changed location by more than a specified minimum distance. The
specified minimum time and the specified minimum distance are both configuration parameters.
Configuration –
The collection of variables that control the operating performance of a device.
Configure (configuring) –
Programming (setting) the variables that control the operation performance of a tracker.
Count Events –
The accumulated number of state changes in the Inputs of the device.
Delay To Start –
Specific delay in time following the programming of the device to commence operation.
Desired State –
The state of the Input in normal condition defined by the user.
Electronic Serial Number is a unique number assigned to each SmartOne device. The ESN is used by the
Globalstar Satellite Network to identify messages from the devices in the field.
Failed GPS reading –
A GPS reading could not be processed from available GPS satellite signals.
FW Ver –
Firmware version is the existing software loaded in the device main processor
The GPS (Global Positioning System) is a "constellation" of 24 well-spaced satellites that orbit the Earth and
make it possible for people with ground receivers to pinpoint their geographic location.
GPS reading –
The longitude, latitude, time, and date information obtained from processing the signals from the
GPS satellites.