After the reboot, it is recommended to restore the default settings and re-do all set-
tings completely – that can be done very conveniently with the RobotLoader GUI.
First of all, click on
Run Factory RESET!
in the tab Configure Scripts. Wait until the process is finished. Then click on “Run ini-
tial WIFI config (BAUDRATE IS 9600)!” and wait. Watch the outputs in the log tab. A
green “OK!” should appear as a reply to several of the commands.
The normal baud rate of 9600 is increased to 500000 bauds.
If this worked, you can repeat the configuration in the General Settings tab – don't
forget to set the WPA pass-phrase!
If the new version causes problems, you can reactivate an old image with
boot image XX
XX stands for the number that the “ls” command displays in column #FL in front of
the file name. So, according to the example above
boot image 11
for the old 2.23 firmware and
boot image 51
for the newer one 2.36.
Then reboot and run a Factory RESET.
If you get an error like “530 Login Authentication failed” or similar when trying to up-
date the firmware, it may be that your module uses older factory default settings. The
FTP address for updates has changed recently and must be manually set correctly
with the following commands:
set ftp address 0
set dns name rn.microchip.com
If this still does not work, check for more recent infos which you can find online.
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