RP6 ROBOT SYSTEM - 3. RobotLoader 2
Please don't change the I/O port parameters without a good reason because they
have been set to allow resetting of the microcontroller via the WLAN module which is
absolutely necessary for the bootloader.
The Passthrough mode can also be activated via the two push-buttons on the module.
If necessary, you can also switch into the 9600 baud mode if the default settings of
the WLAN mode have been reset (switch off the robot, keep SW1 pressed, switch the
robot on Passthrough mode 9600 baud is active, module can be configured. Switch
the robot on and wait until the bootloader timeout is passed, then press SW2 500k
Baud Passthrough mode is now active).
Normally you don't have to do this because the RobotLoader can also activate these
modes without the press on a real physical button of the module.
You can also enter command mode via the network connection. It works quite similar
via the input of .$$$
The commands are identical but please note that the connection is closed when you
change the settings and restart the module.
3.5. Find out the WLAN IP Address
If the IP address of the module is unknown or is dynamically assigned per DHCP, you
can find it in the “Discover WIFI Devices” dialog.
The WLAN module can send a status message every few seconds per UDP broadcast
to port 55555. New IP addresses will appear in the list and the log of RobotLoader. By
the way, the displayed device ID can be changed in the WLAN settings. However don't
use spaces as this is a control character of the command interpreter!
After powering the unit on, it can take up to 10 seconds before a status message ar-
rives. It doesn't need to establish a connection for this. However check the firewall
settings before in order to allow UDP data on port 55555.
Click on the “Add” button to add the IP to the list in the WiFi Loader tab.
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