It makes sense to first scan for access points with the command
It lists all access points within range and displays some of the configuration paramet-
ers. If your own access point is not in the list, it might be too far away or the recep -
tion is disturbed by something (check the antenna!). The reason might also be a
faulty configuration of the access point. Execute the command SEVERAL TIMES as it
might happen that the access point is not listed immediately.
2. Firmware Update and Restore Factory Settings
The firmware on the WLAN Module can be updated via an FTP server from the manu-
facturer where the module downloads the new software automatically. The old firm-
ware remains in the Flash memory and can easily be re-activated in case of problems.
A firmware update is even possible with the RobotLoader as it contains a small FTP
server for the test routine that is activated during a very short period during the test.
This function should become generally usable in future versions.
Until this function is implemented, the firmware must be properly configured (gate-
way!) and an internet connection must exist to update the firmware. Start by checking
which version is installed in command mode:
the firmware images stored in the flash will be displayed.
11 19 3 WiFly_EZX-2.23
30 1 10 config
51 20 3 WiFly_EZX-2.36
185 Free, Boot=11, Backup=51
If you received e.g. a module with firmware 2.23, you can update it to the current
version 2.36 that contains new useful functions (e.g. activate the command mode via
GPIO – that is quicker).
Key in
ftp update wifly7-236.img
or just simply
ftp update
, and the most recent image is downloaded. The module
loads the firmware and activates the boot image.
If this has been executed successfully, type in
to reboot.
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