RP6 ROBOT SYSTEM - 3. RobotLoader 2
3.3. WLAN Settings
The WLAN module can be set up via a
configuration dialog. To this end, the
USB serial interface must be connected
to the RP6-M256 module. The settings
are automatically stored in the WLAN
module and remain there even when
the module has been switched off.
Currently the dialog supports changes
of the settings only if the USB cable is
connected. Via the network terminal,
the settings can also be configured via
a command-line interpreter that is in-
tegrated in the WLAN module. The
manufacturer of the module offers a
comprehensive documentation on the
subject. For simple applications, it is
sufficient to configure the module one time without the need of changing the settings
again later on. From the point of view of the microcontroller, the module behaves like
a serial interface – with the difference that a normal TCP/IP connection can be used
on the PC side. This can be easily used with any current programming language, and
even (restricted) access per web browser is possible.
All usual parameters of the used WLAN access point must be provided in the dialog. At
the end, just click on “Configure WIFI Module” (prior to that select the appropriate
port in the serial loader tab). Then the RobotLoader switches automatically to the
“Log” view and displays the commands that have been executed and if they were suc-
cessful (green “OK!” messages should appear after the commands!). You can monitor
this on the serial terminal as well. Everything that happens there can also be done
manually via text commands but the user interface makes this much easier.
In the “Configure Scripts” tab of the configuration dialog, you can use configuration
scripts which are simple text files (some examples included in the RobotLoader direct-
ory). This is useful if you have to change the WLAN access point often, e.g. if the ro-
bot is used in different locations.
After this general presentation, we will now explain the configuration step by step.
There are several advanced settings in the “Boot” Tab of the WLAN
configuration dialog, you can also change the baudrate of the WLAN
module and bootloader there.
DO NOT change the Baudrate
without any good reason! You may have to do a manual fact-
ory reset using the ADHOC Jumper if something goes wrong
(s. troubleshooting section in this manual)
In the appendix you will find many useful tips if you experi-
ence any problems!
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