2. Using the included #6 Pan Head screws, mount the
module to the wall or stud
(a) Install the screws into the wall or stud
(3 inches apart)
(b) Mount the module to the screws using the keyhole
screw mount on the back of the module
Proceed to Section 6 (Connect to your Wi-Fi network)
(6) Connect to your
Wi-Fi network
This section will explain how to
connect your WiFi module to
your Wi-Fi router. A Wi-Fi
capable device is required for
this step (laptop, tablet, or
smart phone).
1. The red and green lights on
the WiFi module should be
alternating. This means that
it is ready for setup.
2. Open the Wi-Fi list in network
settings on your Wi-Fi capable
device (laptop, tablet, or
3. Connect to the
GLENTRON network
(a) This network is being
broadcast by your
WiFi module
(b) Wait for successful
connection to
GLENTRON network
4. Close the network settings
and open up your
internet browser
5. In the URL field, enter Hit enter/go
This will take you to the
WiFi module setup page
Note: Make sure you type in the correct numerical address.
If you mistype it will go to nowhere. If this happens retype
the in the URL
field and hit enter/go
6. Fill out the information
on the setup page (you
may have to scroll down)
7. Click the save button
8. Click on Available
Networks (you may have
to scroll down)
9. Select your network from
the dropdown list
10. Enter your network
passphrase and click OK
Note: Make sure your
passphrase is correct. If it is
entered wrong, you will need
to repeat steps 2-10
11. If the connection to your router is successful, the red
and green lights on the WiFi module will stop
alternating and the green light will become solid
(a) If for some reason the setup process failed, the LED’s
on the front of the module will continue to alternate
and you will need to perform the setup process again
starting at 6-2.
Note: If for some reason you are having problems with the
setup process, you can press and hold the reset button
on the WiFi module using a paperclip for approximately 5
seconds and restart the process. This will cause the LED’s to
alternate again. Begin the process again starting at 6-2.
Proceed to Section 7 (Registering your module)
(7) Registering your module
This will explain how to complete the registration process
and how to access the Glentronics Connect website. This
website will be used to edit your entered information
and to view the status of the sump pump system that is