3.2.2 Fisheye View
To enable the fisheye options, right-click the live view and select
Geo Fisheye
. Right-click
the image again and select
Fisheye Option
to see the following options.
Image Alignment:
By default, the image should be properly aligned already. If not,
follow the steps below to align the image for each model:
GV-FE2302 / 3402 / 3403 / 5302 / 5303 and GV-FER3402 / 3403 / 5302 / 5303:
Align the red circle with the outer edge of the camera image, and then align it with
the inner edge of the image frame to achieve optimal results.
Figure 3-5
GV-FE2301 /
421 / 4301 / 521 and GV-FER521:
Align the red circle with the edge of
the camera image. You can eliminate the darker areas toward the edge of the image
by making the red circle smaller, but the field of view will be slightly reduced.
Figure 3-6 When GV-FE2301 /
421/ 4301 images are aligned, all four edges will be
cropped slightly.