6.1 Regulation of Optima 260
Regulation of room temperature
There are 2 methods of regulation – see Service Menu item
19. If supply air regulation has been selected, the controller
will blow in air with the temperature set, provided that a
reheater is fitted to the system. The supply air temperature
is regulated by the supply air sensor, T1.
When using extract air temperature control, we recommend
that the supply air temperature be configured 2-3°C below
the room temperature.
Relay R8
When the system is running at levels 1, 2, 3 or 4, the relay
will be turned on. This function can be used to e.g. control
an optional fresh air damper or the discharge air damper.
6.2 Extra heating and cooling
Water reheating
For systems with water reheaters, the motor-operated
reheater will begin to regulate (PI regulation) when the
temperature has fallen 1°C below the set temperature.
Electrical reheating on/off version
For systems with electrical reheaters, the reheater will
connect when the temperature has fallen 1°C below the set
temperature. If the regulation time is set to, e.g. 3 minutes,
temperature sensor T1 will measure if the temperature is
now above or below the temperature set after 3 minutes.
If the temperature is still below the set temperature,
the reheating will keep running. When the temperature
reaches the set value, the electrical reheater will disconnect.
Electrical reheater (modulating)
As regards systems with a modulating electrical reheater,
the electrical reheater will automatically adapt to changes
in airflow and temperatures maintaining a constant
temperature according to the requested set point.
The controller will be adjusting the electrical output of the
reheater automatically.
Extra cooling
If an extra cooling device is fitted to the system, such a
device will turn on when the bypass motor is open
completely and turn off again when the bypass motor
begins to turn off again.
Systems with an electrical preheater will regulate in the
same way as an electrical reheater.