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The Set Preset Sys Ex command allows you to write one preset to the MIDI
Patch Changer keypad. This command is variable length in that you don’t need
to send the entire 153 bytes. You can just send what you want and terminate
with an EOX byte. The remainder of the preset you are modifying will be
“disabled” (all values set to 0xFF). Therefore you can set the name and only a
couple of patch change sets if that is all you need.
A Preset consists of the following data:
13 character ASCII name. Use space characters to pad if necessary.
Up to 16 MIDI channels worth of Bank MSB/Bank LSB/Patch Change.
The values for these bytes are 0x00 to 0x7F regardless of user
preferences. Disabled (unused) values should be 0xFF. These values
are transmitted as most significant/least significant byte pairs; therefore
this section of the data will be up to 16 x 3 x 2 = 96 bytes.
Up to 19 bytes of (optional) arbitrary MIDI data. This data can contain any
MIDI data. Unused data elements should contain 0xFF. Again it is
transmitted at msn/lsn byte pairs; therefore this section of data will be up
to 19 x 2 = 38 bytes.
(hex) F0 System
Manufacturer ID. User settable – default is 7D.
Device ID for the MIDI Patch Changer.
24 Command
Preset # 0x00 to 0x63 (0 to 99 decimal).
13 bytes of ASCII data for the Preset Name
Up to 16 sets of (3 bytes x 16 MIDI channels)
Bank Select MSB/Bank Select LSB/Patch Change
bytes sent as msn/lsn byte pairs. 96 bytes max.
19 byte pairs of arbitrary MIDI data
Pre/Post byte most significant nibble (always 0)
P/P LSN Pre/Post byte least sig nibble