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S-40 • S-45
Part No. 102521
October 2013
Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures
Turntable rotate drive hub
1 Remove the plug located on the side of the hub
and check the oil level.
Result: The oil level should be even with the
bottom of the plug hole.
turntable drive hub
a plug
2 If necessary, add oil until the oil level is even
with the bottom of the plug hole.
3 Apply pipe thread sealant to the plug, and
install the plug in the drive hub.
4 Check the torque of the turntable drive hub
mounting fasteners. Refer to Section 2,
Check the Drive Hub Oil Level
and Fastener Torque
Genie specifications require that this procedure be
performed every 250 hours or quarterly, whichever
comes first.
Failure to maintain proper drive hub oil levels may
cause the machine to perform poorly and
continued use may cause component damage.
1 Drive the machine to rotate the hub until the
plugs are located one on top and the other
at 90 degrees.
2 Remove the plug located at 90 degrees and
check the oil level.
Result: The oil level should be even with the
bottom of the side plug hole.
3 If necessary, remove the top plug and add oil
until the oil level is even with the bottom of the
side plug hole. Refer to Section 2,
4 Install the plug(s) in the drive hub. Use pipe
thread sealant on units with pipe plugs.
5 Check the torque of the drive hub mounting
fasteners. Refer to Section 2,
6 Repeat this procedure for each drive hub.
models with pipe plugs
drive hub plugs
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