1. The bell output drops to about 3 volts in
The battery/bell circuit is protected by a PC
board trace which may have burned open
by reversal of the battery leads. It is on the
back of the PC board just adjacent to the
red & black battery leads. Send in for
service if this occurs.
2. How do I remove the Keypad Sounder
on Alarm?
The keypad sounder follows the Burg
Output. If you need to remove the Keypad
Sounder, then you must remove the Burg
Output from that zone.
3. How do I activate Chime by Zone?
The Chime feature will automatically be
assigned to all zones, except for the
1. Zones programmed as Home/Away
with Delay.
Zones programmed as Exit/Entry
2. Zones programmed for 24 Hour
Protection. To Activate/Deactivate
the chime mode, Press
4. When using a piezo on the Bell Output,
it constantly buzzes.
This is due to the fact that there is a
constant loop current flowing through the
Bell circuit for supervision. To eliminate
this, cut resistor
which is located
directly above Terminal 9 just below the
heat sink.
5. Where are the fuses?
The control panel incorporates advanced
circuitry which automatically limits the
current when an over current condition
exists without the use of traditional fuses.
The circuit will restore automatically when
the over current condition is corrected.
6. The PGM Output Pulses in Alarm.
When the PGM lug of the control panel is
programmed for an Armed indication it also
incorporates an Alarm Memory function
which will indicate that the system is in an
Alarm condition.
7. I short out the bell and the system does
not indicate Bell Trouble.
The Bell Supervision circuit is only
designed to detect a "Bell Cut", it does not
supervise for a short on the Bell.