Y Series TechBook
• If Pump 2 does not
work in either speed,
replace Pump 2 fuse
• If replacing the fuse
is not effective or
if Pump 2 works in
only one speed, take
voltage reading on the
corresponding inlink
• Turn Pump 2 to
and take voltage
reading between:
Pin 1 & Pin 3
Your reading should be:
240 V for a
240 V pump
120 V for a
120 V pump
Pump 2 fuse (F3)
• Turn Pump 2 to
and take voltage
reading between:
Pin 2 & Pin 3
Your reading should be:
240 V for a
240 V pump
120 V for a
120 V pump
Pin 3
Pin 3
Pin 1
Pin 2
• If voltage is as it should
be, replace Pump 2
• If not, replace spa pack