Chapter 6. Serial I/O, SNP & RTU Protocols
April 2018
Major Error Code Description
13 (0Dh)
Remote error
Error processing a remote command. The minor error code identifies the
2 (02h)
Number of bytes requested to read is greater than input buffer size OR number
bytes requested to write is zero or greater than 250 bytes.
3 (03h)
COMMREQ data block length is too small. String data is missing or incomplete.
4 (04h)
Receive timeout awaiting serial reception of data
6 (06h)
Invalid CPU memory type specified.
7 (07h)
Invalid CPU memory offset specified.
8 (08h)
Unable to access CPU memory.
12 (0Ch)
COMMREQ data block length too small.
16 (10h)
Operating system service error. The operating system service used to perform
the request has returned an error.
17 (11h)
Port device error. The port device used to perform the service has detected an
error. Either a break was received or a UART Error (parity, framing, overrun)
18 (12h)
Request cancelled. The request was terminated before it could complete.
48 (30h)
Serial output timeout. The serial port was unable to transmit the string. (Could
be due to missing CTS signal when the serial port is configured to use hardware
flow control.)
14 (0Eh)
Autodial Error
An error occurred while attempting to send a command string to an
attached external modem. The minor error code identifies the specific error.
2 (02h)
The modem command string length exceeds end of reference memory type.
3 (03h)
COMMREQ Data Block Length too small. Output command string data missing
or incomplete.
4 (04h)
Serial output timeout. The serial port was unable to transmit the modem
autodial output.
5 (05h)
Response was not received from modem. Check modem and cable.
6 (06h)
Modem responded with BUSY. Modem is unable to complete the requested
connection. The remote modem is already in use; retry the connection request
7 (07h)
Modem responded with NO CARRIER. Modem is unable to complete the
requested connection. Check the local and remote modems and the telephone
8 (08h)
Modem responded with NO DIALTONE. Modem is unable to complete the
requested connection. Check the modem connections and the telephone line.
9 (09h)
Modem responded with ERROR. Modem is unable to complete the requested
command. Check the modem command string and modem.
10 (0Ah)
Modem responded with RING, indicating that the modem is being called by
another modem. Modem is unable to complete the requested command. Retry
the modem command later.
11 (0Bh)
Unknown response received from the modem. Modem unable to complete the
request. Check the modem command string and modem. Response should be