Features and Benefits
Multinet4 Multi-Port Serial Server & Managed Switch provides secure multiprotocol
networking in compact, rugged packages purpose-built for power utility substations and
other harsh environments. Cyber-security protection is assured by encrypted per-
connection SSL, and port security features.
Multinet4 Multi-Port Serial Server & Managed Switch
The Multinet4 Serial Port Server & Managed Switch combines the capabilities of an
Ethernet Switch, an Async-to-TCP/IP Terminal Server in a single integrated device.
Dual fiber Ethernet connectivity coupled with Rapid Spanning Tree ensure resilient
backbone communications.
The Multinet4 provides full perimeter protection when used as a terminal server at remote
critical facilities. Per-session encrypted SSL capabilities permit fine-grained security
extended to end-point connections when used as a distributed terminal server in larger
The Multinet4 is a multi-function, multi-protocol networking platform, purpose-built for
distributed industrial automation applications such as Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition (SCADA) systems.They support a wide range of communications interfaces
used by industrial devices, enabling multiple generations of remote devices and support
systems to be consolidated onto a single integrated network infrastructure. The Multinet4
also operates effectively in extremely harsh environmental conditions such as those within
power utility substations, pumping stations, treatment plants, transportation systems,
pipelines and wind farms. This robustness is primarily due to extended-range
specifications in areas such as electromagnetic interference, temperature and electrical
surges. Most other networking products will fail when facing these conditions.
The Multinet4 has been rigorously tested to extreme industrial specifications for
temperature, electrical surge protection and immunity. It is packaged in a steel or steel
and aluminum case with no fans or moving parts and has been subjected to
manufacturing test and control processes that include temperature cycling and prolonged
product burn-in to ensure reliability delivered to the field. Physical product reliability is
complemented by advanced network resiliency features that enable redundant and dual-
routed network designs that protect network availability despite facility/element failures.