6000 & 7000 Series DISHWASHERS
PAGE 33 Reinstalling the Door Panel to the dishwasher re-
quires the 4 Phillips headed stainless steel screws fitted to
each side of the door to be replaced in reverse order as
section Operate and test dishwasher before leaving.
5.2.3 Door Panel Assembly - 6700, 6900, 6905
CAUTION. Switch off electrical power supply.
NOTE: These Models do not have a separate Control
Panel. All controls are included in the door panel. Remove the 6 Phillips Head countersunk stainless
steel screws located across the top of the stainless steel door
NOTE: The 6 screws have a “two start” or dual thread
configuration. One thread is of a low profile while the other is
of a high profile in order to prevent stripping of the Carrier
Panel fixing points.
5.2.1 Door Latch
CAUTION. Switch off electrical power supply To remove the Door Latch, loosen then remove the
Phillips headed screw. Slide the Door Latch through the
rectangular cut out in the front cabinet trim and lift the latch
NOTE: 7000 Series Models have a door latch of a wire
formed construction. Reassemble the dishwasher in reverse order. Operate and test dishwasher before leaving.
5.2.2 Door Panel for 6400, 6500, 6600, 6605 Models
CAUTION. Switch off electrical power supply
Note. The door panel must be removed to improve
access to the control panel. Open the door to the horizontal position. Remove the 4 Phillips head stainless steel screws
fitted to each side of the door to enable the Door Panel to be
withdrawn from the stainless steel door liner. While removing
the 8 stainless steel screws, ensure the Door Panel is
supported to prevent paint damage. It is suggested to leave
one central screw loose and in place for support while
removing the 4 stainless steel screws on the other side of the
door. To remove the Door Panel, support the side with all 4
screws removed with your knee under the Door Panel while
holding the Door Panel and stainless steel door liner together
on the opposite side with your free hand and remove the
remaining central screw. Carefully lift the Door Panel clear from the dishwasher
ensuring the lower section of the Door Panel clears the
dishwasher and is not damaged.
Remove 4 screws each side of door
Door Panel
Door Liner
Door Latch