6000 & 7000 Series DISHWASHERS
4.11.3 Pressure Switch and Door Microswitch
120V AC neutral circuit
The Pressure Switch and Door Microswitch is in a series
wiring configuration between the neutral N terminal of the
Mains Terminal Block and the electronic Power Control Board
tab terminal SWITCHED NEUTRAL. The electronic Power
Control Board has three modes of 120 V AC neutral inputs to
the following tab terminals:
• Neutral: Is a direct neutral supply from the N terminal of
the Mains Terminal Block. It also provides a direct neutral
to contact P1-11 of the Pressure Switch. The primary
function is to power the neutral side of the 120 V AC
transformer, which is continuously “on” to provide a sec-
ondary voltage of 12 V AC for the control rail and push
button operation.
• Pressure Switch: A 120 V AC neutral circuit is provided to
the electronic Power Control Board via the Pressure
Switch contacts P1-11 to P1-12 (empty position). The
function is to input to the controller, that the Pressure
Switch is sensing an “empty” condition of the stainless
steel tub. It also provides an input to the Power Control
Board, wherein the Pressure Switch in the satisfied posi-
Circuit Diagram: Neutral
Important. Check all wiring connections before reconnecting to supply.
tion contact P1-11 to P1-14 (open circuit), senses water
within the stainless steel tub.
• Switched Neutral: The switched neutral circuit from the N
terminal of the Mains Terminal Block, is via the Door
Microswitch, to the SWITCHED NEUTRAL tab terminal of
the electronic Power Control Board. If the Main Door is
opened all outputs (relay and triac outputs) will be discon-
NOTE: The Door Microswitch operates on a 120 V AC neutral
circuit and carries the full operating current for relay and triac