The Master Power (Start (On)-Stop (Off)) Switch:
Controls power to the grill and must be turned “ON" to
start the operation. The controller displays will be
active when the switch is "ON".
Indicator Lights:
There are four, (4), indicator lights. The center light in
the lower group of three is the Gas Grill Indicator Light,
explained in the next section. The top light an the top
and bottom lights in the lower section indicate the
temperature status of each zone on the grill, one, (1),
on the upper platen, (top light), and two, (2), on the
lower, (lower section of lights, top and bottom
correspond to rear and front, respectively - see
diagram on previous page). Each light can display
three, (3), different colors, indicating temperature
status for the corresponding zone.
The zone(s) is too hot (more than
79ºF/45ºC over the set temperature) or
heat zone(s) failure.
The zone(s) is calling for heat.
Green: The zone(s) is at or above the set
temperature (maximum of 79ºF/45ºC).
Gas Grill Indicator Light:
The center light in the lower section indicates burner
ignition status in the following ways:
Green: status OK.
Amber: Flashing indicates that ignition retrial has
occurred at least once, (4 tries maximum).
Once activated the flashing amber light will
continue to flash, until ignition is achieved, (in
four tries or less, total), at which time the light
will remain amber, but stop flashing.
Red: Indicates that ignition was not accomplished
after 4 tries, and that the ignition system has
been shut down, requiring a manual reset,
The controller display will contain information relevant
to each operation in both cook and program modes.
Up Arrow Button - Two Functions:
1) In the cook mode, when depressed, it will display
the Remove time, Top Temperature, Bottom
temperature and Gap setting for the menu item
displayed. Each item will be displayed in the order
as stated above. After 5 seconds the display will
return to the product menu item.
2) In the program mode, it will change the value of the
current cursor digit, (see "RIGHT ARROW" button).
Right Arrow Button - Two Functions:
1) In the program mode various displayed parameters
will be shown in numerical values. Each number,
when displayed, will have a flashing digit...the
cursor digit. The “RIGHT ARROW" button will move
the cursor to the next digit. Using the "RIGHT
ARROW" button in conjunction with the "UP
ARROW" button described above, any parameter
value displayed in the program mode may be
2) In the cook mode it will scroll backward through the
menu items.
Program Mode Button - Two Functions:
1) The primary function is to access Programming and
Calibration of the grill. Push and hold for five (5)
seconds. Display will show type and version
number. There are two programming features,
2) The second function is when used with "TEMP"
button. To display all temperature zones at the
same time, press the "TEMP" button one time and
the 'PROG" button five (5) times. This will display
all four (4) temperature zones.
Menu Button - Two Functions:
1) In the cook mode this button will allow you to
change menu items.
2) In the programming mode, the button is used to
advance to the next program item.
Temperature / Function Button - Two Functions:
1) In the Cook mode, each time the button is pressed
the current temperature for one zone will be
displayed. The displayed temperature begins at the
upper platen and works sequentially to the front
each time you press the button. After five (5)
seconds the display will return to the menu item
2) In the Program mode, this button becomes the
Function button allowing you to scroll through the
functions in the "MENU ITEMS" section of