EdgeSafe 10G Modular Bypass | Firmware Rev Level:
6.57 Multi configuration mechanism
The user can save and restore several (~100) different configurations of the IBS parameters.
The IBS saves these different configurations on internal flash memory (~1 MB).
Configuration can be saved locally or on a remote server by SCP protocol.
To work with remote server should be used additional parameter:
6.57.1 Display saved IBS configurations
Command “show_list_conf” used for displaying the local saved IBS configurations.
6.57.2 Save IBS configuration
Command “save_conf’ used for local and remote saving the IBS configurations.
6.57.3 Restore the IBS saved configuration
To restore the saved configuration the command “restore_conf” should be used (to
display saved configurations run “show_list_conf”).
After restoring configuration the IBS must be rebooted.
6.57.4 Remove saved configuration
The command “remove_conf” is used to remove saved configuration from the Flash
Garland Technology | 716.242.8500 |