EdgeSafe 10G Modular Bypass | Firmware Rev Level:
8.4 Bypass Page
8.4.1 Bypass configuration area description active mode select box
When heartbeat active mode is ON the IBS send heartbeat packets on its monitor
ports. If the IBS does not detect the heartbeat packet received from the monitor ports
the IBS will switch to Active Bypass or TAP, TAPI12, TAPA, TAPAI1,TAPAI2, TAPAI12 or
Linkdrop mode according to the predefined settings of the HB active expire select box.
When heartbeat active mode is set to OFF the IBS stops sending the heartbeats and
the Active Bypass circuitry can be set manually via the management port to one of the
following modes Normal (Inline), Active Bypass, TAP, TAPI12, TAPA,TAPAI1, TAPAI2,
TAPAI12 or Linkdrop.
Garland Technology | 716.242.8500 |