EdgeSafe 10G Modular Bypass | Firmware Rev Level:
8.6 Account Page
8.6.1 Interface
Select the IBS interface for which you would like to change the user account (CLI, WEB)
8.6.2 User
Set the User name for the selected interface on the Interface dropdown menu
8.6.3 Password
The "old password" , "new password" and the "confirm new password" are required in order
to set the Password for the selected interface on the Interface dropdown menu
8.6.4 Session timeout
The web_exp_time command sets the time that the WEB session can be passive (does not
send requests to the IBS) before the session will be terminated by the IBS (default 900 sec).
In case that the WEB session is terminated the Login screen will appear on the WEB browser.
If the main WEB interface window will be closed in any way other than by pressing on the
“Logoff” button, the WEB interface will be unavailable for the time defined by the
web_expired_time (default 900 sec).
The first user that will be logged in to the WEB interface will show all the rights (Control
/monitor) of the Web interface application, the next users will not be able to control the
device, they will be able only to monitor the IBS parameters.
When the first user will be logged off from the WEB interface, the next user will receive his
rights and will be able to (Control /monitor) the WEB interface.
Garland Technology | 716.242.8500 |