Usage: [SLC_tab] [image] [-r rpix azpix]
SLC_tab (input) two column list of SLC filenames and SLC parameter filenames
(including paths)
1. SLC filename (includes path)
2. SLC parameter filename (includes path)
image display image of deformation used to select point for time series
plot (PNG or JPEG format)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r REF_POS point position: rpos azpos [default=none]
*** Plot time-series of deformation derived from unwrapped phase v1.1 31-Oct-2011
clw ***
Usage: [DIFF_tab] [itab] [MLI_tab] [image]
DIFF_tab single-column list of the differential unwrapped phase, each line in
the DIFF_tab corresponds to the same line in the itab
itab (input) table associating interferograms with pairs of MLI files
listed in the MLI_tab
1. row number in SLC_tab of the reference SLC
2. row number in SLC_tab of SLC-2 of the interferogram
3. line number in the itab
4. flag used to indicate if this interferogram is used for IPTA
processing (0:not used 1:used)
MLI_tab (input) two column list of MLI filenames and MLI parameter filenames
(including paths)
1. MLI filename (includes path)
2. MLI parameter filename (includes path)
image image used to select point for time series plot, same dimensions as
the DIFF_tab files (PNG format)
enter "w" to save the plot and write a file ts_range_azimuth.dat, where range
and azimuth are the range and azimuth pixel coordinates
"q" to exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SCALE scale: min, max deformation [default=auto]
6.4 Move the instrument
Get current positioner angle in degrees
Execute home run of the positioner to find the 0 position. Should be performed at startup and also
before power-down of the instrument! It is very important to do this before power-down, or else there