6. Software Reference
In this section the command line tools are described grouped by functionality. Furthermore at the end
of the section the parameter and data file formats are given. Section 6.5 shows the list of auxiliary
tools that are not needed for every day use but can be helpful in case of instrument problems.
6.1 Acquire data
The basic program to acquire data is
However, usually it is much more
convenient to use gpri2_capture_utc.py or gpri2_capture_all.py. These two scripts are wrapping around
. The main difference among them is that gpri2_capture_utc.py names output
files with timestamps while gpri2_capture_all.py uses a sequential numbering. Furthermore
gpri2_capture_utc.py allows to have the data processed to SLC or MLI format on-the-fly. So using
gpri2_capture_utc.py is the recommended way to acquire data.
6.1.1 gpri2_capture_utc.py
Script to capture a series of raw data sets at fixed time intervals starting at a specific UTC time-stamp,
or immediately:
$ gpri2_capture_utc.py
*** GPRI groundbased radar data capture and processing UTC time reference ***
*** Copyright 2011, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.5 8Aug2011 clw ***
usage: gpri2_capture_utc.py <profile> <RAW_dir> <nraw> <start_T> <delta_T> [p
slc_dir] [m mli_dir] [x] [d] [r rmin] [R rmax] [h heading] [a] [s scale]
[e exp]
profile GPRI2 profile for raw data acquisition
RAW_dir directory to store raw data acquisitions and raw data parameter files
ndata number of raw data acquisitions to perform
start_T starting time in UTC of the first acqusition in ISO8601 format,
enter "now" for immediately
(YYYYMMDDTHH:MM:SS, example: 20110625T13:00:00)
delta_T time in seconds between start of each acquisition, interval includes
acquisition time
p slc_dir process data to SLC and store in directory slc_dir
m mli_dir generate MLI images and store in directory mli_dir
x delete raw data after processing
d decim raw data decimation factor (default = 5)
r rmin starting slant range, default: 50 meters
R rmax maximum slant range enter, default is maximum determined from chirp
h heading radar heading at the center of the azimuth sweep (deg., default =
a process using ati option for gpri2_proc.py, turn off azimuth
s scale display scale factor (default = .4)
e exp display exponent (default = 0.35)
This program is the general purpose data acquisition program for the GPRI2 instrument. It has the
option to process the data to SLC and MLI image products immediately after acquisition using the -p