Fusion Sport Maintenance Guide
© 2010 Fusion Sport International
The test on the particular faulty device will be stopped, but the test will go on for other devices until
the test period finish.
Normal Values for Batteries
During normal operation, SMARTSPEED indicates your level of battery charge is either three bars
(Green), two bars (Orange) or one bar (Red). When Red, the system will not allow the units to be
used until they are recharged.
System Component
Green (3 bars) - PASS
Orange (2 bars) - PASS Red (1 bar) - FAIL
Gate (Lite or Full)
3.49 – 3.2V
In the battery test, if sleeve voltage drops lower than 3.2V 5 times, then the test will stop.
Please contact Fusion Sport for servicing when a faulty battery is detected.
Export test result
Test results can be exported and sent to the Fusion Sport support team for verification.
When the test finished, tab “Export”. Smartspeed archives the test results in a zip file and
stores on PDA.
Connect the PDA to PC and copy the ZIP file to your PC. The file can be opened by Winzip,
Winrar or 7-zip etc.
Contact Fusion Sport to discuss battery test results.
Fusion Sport products are designed to last, and there are many systems now approaching 10 years of
age that are functioning perfectly. However, as with any electronic product, your system will require
servicing every 2-3 years (depending on use) to ensure reliable performance.
The most common service procedures are as follows –
General Service – involves testing of batteries and replacement where necessary.
Full service and upgrade – if additional hardware improvements or structural advances have
been made since the purchase of your system, these can be installed in your units
PDA upgrade – as with any computer, keeping your PDA up to date with the latest model will
ensure maximum speed of operation and reliability.
To discuss your service options please contact Fusion Sport or your local distributor for costs and
further information.