m4a5a_v320_eng (14.02.2013)
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Kompetent für Elektroniksysteme
m4a5a_v320_eng (14.02.2013)
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Kompetent für Elektroniksysteme
Reset to Factory Defaults
Using the following steps, Major 4a can be reset to factory defaults.
All parameters are reset to the default values without further confirmation.
The channel scanning function is activated if the waiting time in register 067/5 is programmed NOT
to be zero. Zero deactivates this function. The scanner will wait for at least the programmed waiting
time per channel. Just before the end of the waiting time, the channel is checked for a carrier. If no
carrier is detected the next channel will be scanned. Scanning will stop when a carrier is detected if
scanner stops on carrier
(register 068/1) is programmed. If not the scanner will be stopped for at
least 100 ms. During this time the scanner will scan for a tone. If a tone is detected, the scanner will
wait for the scanner waiting time (068/2+3). If a call is decoded during that time the scanner stops.
Otherwise the next channel is scanned.
The channel range programmed in register 067/1-4 will be scanned. If register 067/1+2 is
programmed with ‘EE’ the specified channels programmed in register 070-074 (EEPROM table) will
be scanned. Scanning the table can be aborted by ‘FF‘.
In order to scan channels 1, 5 and 6, register 070 is programmed with 0105xxxx and register 071
with 06FFxxxx.
After decoding a call the scanner stops for the programmed loudspkeaker time (050/1-3) which is
retriggered by a carrier and/or PTT. Furthermore, the scanner can be switched off by activating the
loudspeaker (LS button) manually.
Scanning can be initiated by hanging up the handpiece (050/5). The scanner can also be activated
using the “loudspeaker off” function (function 4; second digit: 0).
The FMS option allows for the status input and the reception of orders according to the German
Funkmeldesystem (FMS).
As for this option buttons 0-9 are used as status buttons, manual selection of a 5-tone sequence is
not possible.
When entering register 223 the potentiometers
are also reset to factory defaults.
Channel Scanning Function
Option FMS
select number:
EEPROM programming : F4
Next menu : F3
program EEPROM with
default values
select number: