m4a5a_v320_eng (14.02.2013)
- 40 -
Kompetent für Elektroniksysteme
m4a5a_v320_eng (14.02.2013)
- 41 -
Kompetent für Elektroniksysteme
The operator of the Major 4a can initiate and receive phone calls at any time (given that no automatically
established connection exists already).
Initiate Call
compose number
call button
the display shows:
Receive Call
Incoming Calls are signalized by a dial tone and by flashing of button
the display shows:
activate telephone mode
accept with call button
the display shows:
lights permanently.
The phone call is terminated by hanging up or forwarded to the radio (see
Manual Forwarding
If no actions are performed in the telephone mode, the Major returns to radio mode automatically.
Manual Forwarding
Radio =>Telephone
If a radio participant calls the control set he can be forwarded to the telephone network.
The operator calls the telephone subscriber and subsequently presses
the display shows:
The handpiece can be hung up now. in order to listen, the loudspeaker can be activated. If the
operator wants to take part in the conversation (conference) this can be achieved by simply taking
the earphone and pushing the PTT button.
Telefongespräch aktiv
Telefongespräch aktiv
Funküberleitung aktiv
Telefonnummer eingeben
Telefonnummer eingeben
Telephone Mode (optional)