m4a5a_v320_eng (14.02.2013)
- 44 -
Kompetent für Elektroniksysteme
m4a5a_v320_eng (14.02.2013)
- 45 -
Kompetent für Elektroniksysteme
In the following the entered number is dialed automatically using the chosen dial-mode. After a wrong
input the complete number is deleted with the delete button (usually the *-button) and a new input can
be given. The conversation is terminated automatically by modulation monitoring or time monitoring, or
manually by a terminating call.
Hint: The signal tone after recognition of the initiating call may not be activated, if the dialing is performed
en-bloc. For en-bloc dialing the initiating call and the DTMF tones of the phone number are sent by the
radio without a significant break.
digit: send acknowledgement tone after DTMF initiating call y/n (1/0)
digit: number of digits in the DTMF initiating call (0-7)
digit: code for initiating call by DTMF
Direct Dialing with Tone Sequence - Radio => Telephone
For direct dialing with tone sequence, telephone numbers with a specified length can be called. However,
the number of digits is limited by the maximum length of a tone sequence (15 digits, minus preset digits,
plus pre-selection digits). For the first digit a range of allowed numbers can be defined. The incoming tone
sequence must exhibit the length that is programmed in the configuration register and must equal the tones
in the decoder register. In addition, the first digit must be an element of the programmed range.
If the function T11-55 is activated, the second signal tone is delayed until the channel is free. If the channel
is occupied for more than 45 seconds, the connection establishment is canceled. Please consult also
section T11-55.
Before dialing starts, a signaling tone (acknowledgement tone) is sent to the radio participant (see section
signaling tone delay). The line is occupied and if programmed the presence of the dialing tone is checked.
Then the entered number is dialed automatically using the desired dial mode. The number to call consists
of the prgrammed pre-selection digits followed by all numbers of the tone sequence. The conversation is
terminated automatically by modulation monitoring or time monitoring, or manually by a terminating call.
Short Dialing - Radio => Telephone
The Major 4a TIM exhibits a short dial memory of 1000 storage locations (000-999) à 16 digits. For short
dialing the tone sequence must be a 3-digit short dial number, so that the digits of the respective storage
location is chosen. The short dial number can either be completely defined by the tone sequence or it can
be composed from cariable digits in the tone sequence and invariable digits in the register. After recognition
of the tone sequence the line is occupied and (if programmed) the presence of the dialing tone is checked
(see section dialing tone recognition). Subsequently, a signaling tone is sent to the radio participant (see
section signaling tone delay) and the respective number from the short dial memory is called automatically
using the selected dial mode.
The conversation is terminated automatically by modulation monitoring or time monitoring, or manually
by a terminating call.