Check the contents and all wrapping when unpacking the pump. Carefully inspect for any
damage that may have occurred during shipping. Immediately report any damage to the car-
rier. Leave the protective caps over the pump inlet and outlet connections until you are ready
to install the pump.
Prior to actually installing the pump, ensure that:
• the pump will be readily accessible for maintenance, inspection and cleaning.
• adequate ventilation is provided for motor cooling.
• the drive and motor type is suitable for the environment where it is to be operated. Pumps
intended for use in hazardous environments e.g., explosive, corrosive, etc., must use a motor
and drive with the appropriate enclosure characteristics. Failure to use an appropriate mo-
tor type may result in serious damage and/or injury.
Follow good piping practices when installing your FL
Series pump:
• Support all piping independently to minimize the
forces exerted on the pump (
Figure 1
• Ensure that the piping can accommodate thermal
expansion without stressing the pump.
• Slope inlet piping up to pump to avoid air pockets
or if suction piping is larger than the pump inlet, use
an eccentric reducer, straight side up, to prevent air
pockets from forming. (
Figure 2
• Install a relief valve on the discharge side of the pump
with a bypass loop back to the suction side to ensure
that the pump cannot be over-pressurized.
• Use a check or “foot” valve on the inlet side of the
pump in lift applications to keep the suction piping
In most cases, the pump will be shipped with a drive unit mounted on a common baseplate.
The drive and pump are aligned at the factory; however, this alignment should be checked after
installation (
Figure 3
). Misalignment between the pump and drive can result in premature
bearing failure or other damage. If the pump is not shipped with a drive unit, use a flexible
coupling between the pump and drive unit. Align the pump and drive unit according to the
coupling requirements.
Figure 1
Figure 2