S70-200 OM
Page 24
Pump Auxiliary
1. Remove #19 wire from terminal strip P3 and place a wire
nut over the end.
2. Push the RUN button.
3. If input #6 does not receive a signal after 2 1/2 seconds
from the time 3CR was energized, a cutout will occur.
4. Replace the #19 wire.
5. Clear the cutout and proceed to the next test.
Oil Level
1. Remove wire #24 from terminal strip P3 and place a wire
nut over it.
2. Push the RUN button.
3. If input #1 does not receive a signal within 5 minutes, a
cutout will occur.
4. Replace wire #24.
5. Clear the cutout.
6. Allow the recycle delay to elapse and proceed to the next
NOTE: The oil level cutout is not present on units with
full lube pumps. If you are unsure of the pump type on
your unit, contact Frick Service for confirmation.
Dirty Filter
1. Push the [+/-] key and record the Oil Pressure value
from the analog offset display (Example: +2).
2. With the machine running and maintaining good pres-
sures and temperatures, push the +/- button to access
the analog offset screen. Step to the oil pressure value
and max it out to +9. This must be done to avoid a sensor
fault cutout.
3. At the transducer manifold, close the valve for transducer
PE- 1 and open the bleed valve for that transducer to
atmosphere which will bring the pressure down to 0 psig.
4. In about 15 seconds, a dirty filter alarm will occur.
5. Quickly close the bleed valve and open the valve to PE-1
to avoid an oil pressure alarm/cutout.
6. Clear the alarm.
7. If cutout occurs, ensure that the valves are in their oper-
ating position, and the plug has been put back into the
8. Return to the analog offset screen and reset the offset
back to the original value.
9. Allow for the recycle delay to elapse and restart the ma-