Chapter 4
Updating Your
Drive Firmware
4.1 Chapter
This chapter explains how to update your DLT-VS80’s firmware (microcode) from a
DLTtape™IV cartridge or from a file on the host server or workstation.
Firmware Update Overview
Your DLT-VS80 can automatically update the drive’s firmware directly from a DLTtape™IV
cartridge containing the appropriate information. Your DLT-VS80 can also update the
drive’s firmware from the host server or workstation. See the WRITE BUFFER command in
DLT1/DLT VSTape SCSI Interface SCSI Reference Manual.
During the firmware update process, when the new firmware/microcode is actually
being programmed into the Flash EEPROM, a power failure – but not a Bus Reset – causes
the drive’s controller module to become unstable. During a firmware update, take
reasonable precautions to prevent a power failure.