fire safety valves can only be possible after replacement of the thermal element, on condition no other
elements of the valve have been damaged.
BELIMO actuators feature installed micro-switches that signal drive shaft rotation by 5°and 85°
(position signalling), hence it is not required to install additional micro-switches informing about
position of the partition. BF24TL-T-ST (digital) actuator is connected to the communication bus, which
allows for monitoring of the valve by the centralised system.
The above drive types refer to both round and rectangular fire safety valves.
Before starting the installation of fire valves, do the following:
4.1.1. Check for conformity of the device supplied with the design (type, variant, size and power
supply voltage).
4.1.2. Check whether there are no visible signs of damage during transport or storage at the site.
4.1.3. Check for completeness of the device, and its operation in justified cases, and prepare the
valve for installation. Checking valve operation comprises their opening and closing, and
observation of the valve during these activities.
All valves are supplied in the closed position.
Valves in HO and HE versions
By turning the manual lever (item 1 Fig. 1a or 2a) clockwise for V370 valves and anti-clockwise for
RK370 valves, switch the cut-off partition of the valve from "closed" to "open" position, at the same
time stretching the closing spring. After turning the lever to full opening of the valve, hook the lever on
manual trigger (item 23 Fig. 1a or 2a), wire protruding from the thermal element (item 3 Fig. 1a or 2a)
so as to keep the valve open. After releasing the manual lever from the catch, the stretched spring
shifts the partition from “open” to “closed” position. Movement of the partition when opening and
closing must be smooth, without stops, binds, and excess resistance. Valve partition must adhere to
ventilation seals on resistance profiles on the entire circumference.
Valves in MR version
Checking the operation of the valves (Fig. 1b; 1d and 2b) is analogical as in the case of HE and HE
versions, except for holding and releasing the manual lever. In order to check these valve versions,
connect relevant voltage to the solenoid (Fig. 1b; 1d and 2b item 3) or transformer (Fig. 1b; 1d and 2b
item 4) via switch allowing for switching the power supply on or off. While checking, switch off power
supply and manually open the valve, contacting the keeper (Fig. 1b and 2b item 2) with the solenoid
(Fig. 1b; 1d and 2b item 3). Valve partition must be kept open by the solenoid. Then disconnect the
solenoid’s power supply. The partition should move to the closed position. Movement of the partition
when opening and closing must be smooth, without stops, binds, and excess resistance. Valve
partition must adhere to ventilation seals on resistance profiles on the entire circumference.