FortiGate-7060E Management Modules
About management module alarm levels
Console 1 and 2
This console port is not connected or is connected to the
management module SMM CLI.
This console port is connected to this module host console in
this chassis slot.
This console port is connected to this module's SMC console.
About management module alarm levels
Minor, major and critical alarms are defined based on both IPMI, ATCA, and Telco standards for naming alarms.
A minor alarm (also called an IPMI non-critical (NC) alarm) indicates that a temperature or a power level was
detected by a sensor that is outside of the normal operating range but is not considered a problem. In the case of a
minor temperature alarm the system could respond by increasing fan speed. A non-critical threshold can be an
upper non-critical (UNC) threshold (for example, a high temperature or a high power level ) or a lower non-critical
(UNC) threshold (for example, a low power level).
A major alarm (also called an IPMI critical or critical recoverable (CR) alarm) indicates a temperature or power level
was detected by a sensor that is far enough outside of the normal operating range to require attention from the
operator. It could also mean that the system itself cannot correct the alarm. For example, the cooling system
cannot provide enough cooling to reduce the temperature. It could also mean that conditions are close to being
outside of the allowed operating range. For example, the temperature is close to exceeding the allowed operating
temperature. A critical threshold can also be an upper critical (UC) threshold (for example, a high temperature or a
high power level ) or a lower critical (LC) threshold (for example, a low power level).
A critical alarm (also called an IPMI non-recoverable (NR) alarm) indicates a temperature or power level was
detected by a sensor that is outside of the allowed operating range and could potentially cause physical damage.
You can use the management module CLI to get details about alarm sensors, thresholds, and the events that
trigger alarms.
Using the console ports
The active management module includes two console ports named Console 1 and Console 2 that can be used to
connect to any serial console in the chassis. This includes the management module CLI, the FortiOS CLIs (also
called host CLIs) of the FIM and FPM modules in chassis slots 1 to 6 and all of the SMC SDI consoles in the
Each module, including the management modules, includes an SMC SDI console.
These consoles are used for low level programming of the module using an IPMI tool
and are disabled by default. You can enable serial access to individual module SMC
SDI consoles from the management module SMC SDI CLI using the command
serial set sdi enable <slot>
. During normal operation you may want to
access the management module SMC SDI CLI, you shouldn't normally require access
to individual module SMC SDI consoles.
FortiGate-7060E System Guide
Fortinet Technologies Inc.