Model 914-HDE User Manual
Focal Technologies Corporation
A Moog Inc. Company
Document Number: 914-0601-00 Rev. 4.0
4.1 Installing the Model 914 Diagnostic GUI
Check for the latest software release on the Moog/Focal website:
Or follow this link:
Install the software on a computer with Microsoft Windows 7 (or newer Microsoft OS) and a serial (COM) port
connected to the 914-HDE diagnostic port. Microsoft .NET version 4.0 or greater must be installed on the host
computer. Installation of the Model 914 diagnostic GUI will involve copying the compressed software package
to a local drive, then uncompressing to “C:\Focal\”. Follow the instructions in the “Installation.txt” file and open
the "Model914.exe" file. Once installed, open the software and press the (+) at the top left corner to set up the
COM link.
The following section is an overview of the diagnostic GUI. For complete details, please refer to the software
manual, P/N 914-0601-01 Model 914-HDE Diagnostic Protocol Manual.
Figure 4-3: Diagnostic GUI Start Screen