Flint & Walling © Copyright 2018. All rights reserved.
(2) Maximum motor current
Set Max Motor Amps .
Default 1 .5Hp Drive = 5 .9 A
Default 2 .0Hp Drive = 8 .1 A
Default 3 .0Hp Drive = 10 .9 A
Protects the pump motor assembly from operating beyond its
maximum capability .
(3) Maximum frequency
Options 60, 70, 80 Hz .
Default 80 Hz .
Setting frequency determines the maximum motor speed . For
matched HP rating of motor & pump end, set to 60 Hz . For pump
end of half the HP rating of the motor (i .e . 3/4HP pump & 1 .5 HP
motor), set to 80 Hz .
(4) Pass code enable
(Y/N) Sets 5 digit pass code using Up/
Down keys .
Default No .
Pass code restricts parameters being changed by non-authorized
individuals . If pass code lost, Call 1-800-345-9422 for assistance .
(5) Underload protection
(On, Off, Prime) Turns underload
protection on, off, or off for 30 minutes .
Default ON .
Recommend that this is left On . Provides pump protection from
deadhead or dry well conditions . May need to be Off/Prime when
priming a centrifugal or if filling irrigation system .
Set Deadhead trip point:
Default 1 .5Hp Drive = 5 .0 A
Default 2 .0Hp Drive = 6 .4 A
Default 3 .0Hp Drive = 8 .2 A
If the motor current falls below this set point when drive has ramped
to maximum frequency, the drive will trip on Deadhead Fault . Adjust
down in increments of .2 if experiencing nuisance deadhead trip .
Set Dry well trip point:
Default 1 .5Hp Drive = 3 .9 A
Default 2 .0Hp Drive = 5 .3 A
Default 3 .0Hp Drive = 6 .5 A
If the motor current falls below this set point when drive has ramped
to maximum frequency, the drive will trip on Dry Well Fault . Adjust
down in increments of .2 if experiencing nuisance dry well trip .
Set Dry well off time:
Off, 15 to 240 Min, 12 Hrs, or 24 Hrs .
Default Off .
If set to "Off", dry well time is variable by Intelligent reset . This can be
set to fixed time off before restarting in a range of 15 to 240 minutes
in increments of 15 minutes, or 12 or 24 hours if desired .
(6) Bump mode
(Switch Control Mode)
(On, Off) Leak detection.
Default On.
Turns On or Off a small pressure boost if the drive detects a very
low load (leak condition). This will reduce the run time of the
pump and drive.
Set bump mode
Sets bump mode threshold frequency.
Default 45 Hz.
When the drive is running for 15 seconds below this frequency.
and current is below the BM current, the drive will ramp up
for the BM duration regardless of switch state to create an
overpressure drawdown.
Set bump mode duration: Sets the time duration of the ramp up
for a bump in PSI (.5 to 2.0 sec.)
Default 0.5 sec.
By increasing this duration time, the amount of overpressure
for drawdown can be increased. Caution: Increasing this time
too much has the potential of creating a high over pressure
Set bump mode current: Sets bump mode threshold detection
Default 1.5Hp Drive = 3.1 A
Default 2.0Hp Drive = 4.7 A
Default 3.0Hp Drive = 6.1 A
When the drive is running for 15 seconds below this current and
the frequency is below the BM frequency, the drive will ramp
up for the BM duration regardless of switch state to create an
overpressure drawdown.
(6) Standby Sensitivity
(Transducer Control Mode)
Parameters for allowing the drive go into
standby mode at no/low flow .
Set Standby frequency:
Sets Standby threshold frequency .
Default 45 Hz .
When the drive is running for 15 seconds below this frequency . and
current is below the standby current, the drive will begin ramping the
motor speed down and monitor system pressure to go into standby
mode .
Set Standby Drawdown:
Sets the amount the system pressure
can fluctuate after low load is sensed
and still go into standby mode( .5 to 2 .0
Default 0 .5 PSI
By increasing this duration time, the amount of overpressure for
drawdown can be increased . Caution: Increasing this time too much
has the potential of creating a high over pressure condition .
Set Standby current:
Sets Standby threshold detection
current .
Default 1 .5Hp Drive = 3 .1 A
Default 2 .0Hp Drive = 4 .7 A
Default 3 .0Hp Drive = 6 .1 A
When the drive is running for 15 seconds below this current and
frequency is below the standby current, the drive will begin ramping
the motor speed down and monitor system pressure to go into
standby mode .
Set Standby rate:
Sets Standby deceleration rate (5-35)
Default 15 .
This is the rate that the drive begins slowing down the motor to enter
standby mode .
(7) Broken pipe mode
(On/Off) .
Default ON .
Turn On/Off broken pipe trip . When On, if the drive is running the
PMA continuously for the set time period, the drive will trip out on
"Broken Pipe" .
Set broken pipe run time:
(1, 8, 16, 24, 48) Hours
Default 24 Hours .
Define the time that the drive can run continuously before tripping on
Broke Pipe .
Access menu options by pressing and holding edit and enter for 3 seconds .
Menu Option