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Record Times
The Record Times Tab becomes active once you load a
line scan image or video file. To record an athlete’s
time for a race, do the following:
Verify the event information if using a meet
management scoring package.
Select a method for recording times.
Record times for each athlete.
Save the results.
Verify the event
Verify the event information if sending results to a
scoring program. This information is generated by
your meet management application and extracted
from the video filename. Verify that the event, round,
and heat numbers are correct for the event you are
recording. Click Edit Event if the event shown is
Record Mode
You have four options for loading the athletes and determining their times. Select one of the following
options from the drop-down menu:
Do Not Show Athletes
: This option is popular with all-comers meets and unseeded lane races.
It allows you to record the times for a lane race without regard to who the participants are.
Select this option and the result table shows lanes only.
Load Athletes
: This option loads participating athletes’ names, competitor numbers and team
affiliations into the results table. It allows the reviewer to extract race times for athletes and
assign times for their performances. Any changes to the race start list/heat sheets must be
made in the meet management program and saved before loading the athletes and recording
their times.
Select this option if the results table is seeded with the race participants.
Load Athletes from Multiple Events
: Events, such as the boys’ varsity and JV 3200M, are
sometimes combined into one race but still scored separately. This option allows you to easily
run multiple events together and score them separately. Changes to the start lists for all events
must be made in the meet management program and saved before loading the athletes and
recording their times.
Select the events that were ran together from the List of Scheduled Events which appears when
this option is selected. The results table shows participants from all selected events. Click on
one of the events listed above the table and the athletes from that event are highlighted in the
Select this option when combining multiple events into one race.
Place by Times
: This method is used mainly for non-lane, unseeded heats, cross-country, and
road race events where times are recorded and later matched with an athlete name.
There are no rows in the results table when this option is first selected.
Click Load Bookmark to bring in the recorded bookmarks times during capture. Loading
bookmarks is a quick way to get times for a cross country event where the exact time is not