Firetide HotPort 5020-LNK Скачать руководство пользователя страница 35






Resetting a HotPort 5020-LNK node to factory 
default  settings


Do a reset when you remove a device from the field or when communication with 

a device is lost. 


When a HotPort 5020-LNK node is reset, configuration 

information is erased. 


The system does not erase the USA (840 and 842) country 


You can reset a HotPort 5020 edge node with the reset button. The reset button 
is behind the screw on the left side of the port connector. 
For this procedure you need: 


Paper clip, stiff wire, or thin piece of plastic or wood, such as a skewer 


Computer with HotView Pro 


Ethernet cable 


Wrench or your fingers to turn the pressure valve counter clockwise 

To reset a HotPort 5020 edge node: 


Supply power to the node. 
Wait until the status LED comes on. After one minute, the node is ready to be 




With a wrench or your fingers turn the pressure valve counter clockwise to 

remove it. 







Put it in a safe place until you finish this procedure. 



Put the node on its front panel. 



Press and hold for 20 seconds the reset button with the paper clip or other 
When the Radio 1 LED blinks to indicate that the software is rebooting, you 
can stop pressing the reset button. 



Wait one minute, and then log in with HotView Pro. 



Configure the node or apply a previously saved configuration file. 



Replace the pressure valve that covers the reset button. 


Scheduling firmware upgrades and activation


By default, the system uses the configuration in cache for multiple upgrades. 



Содержание HotPort 5020-LNK

Страница 1: ...HotPort FiretideInstallationGuide HotPort 5020 LNK Nodes Published March 2014 Revised 2016...

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Страница 10: ...ED Power LED 1 Radio 1 2 3 Radio 2isnot available onthismodel ThenextpictureshowstheconnectorsandLEDsonthebottompanelofa HotPort5020 LNKnode Weatherproofcapsprotecttheconnectorsonthe bottompanel Rubbe...

Страница 11: ...dbyaweatherproofplastic pressurereliefvalve Antenna connectors TheleftsidepanelhasthreeantennaconnectorsforRadio1 Rubbercapscover theantennaconnectors Youmustremoveanddiscardtherubbercapswhenyou insta...

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Страница 17: ...LNKsolution youneedtohave 2 Phillips screwdriver Small adjustable wrench Electricaltapeandbutylmasticorsiliconetapetoweatherproofthe connectors Otherequipmentyoumightneedincludes Ladder Lifttruck Saf...

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Страница 19: ...lications Warning Failure to obey these instructions might result in severe personalinjuryincludingelectricalshockorpermanentdamageto equipment Warning Make sure that all safety equipment is in good c...

Страница 20: ...ide name The installation is correct if the device does not move side to side easily the Firetide mark is oriented correctly and the connectors are oriented to the ground Preparing earth ground Warnin...

Страница 21: ...sed to grounda mesh node Theantenna cablesthat comewith theHotPort5020 LNKsolutionhaveintegratedlightningarrestors Prerequisite correctgaugeofgroundwire Caution If the structure to which the node is a...

Страница 22: ...2 h Repeat for second radio ifpresent 3 Removethegroundscrewfromthebottompanel 4 Insertthegroundlugforthe enclosure 5 Tightenthegroundscrewtosecurethegroundlugtothenode Ground wire from antennaconnect...

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Страница 27: ...1 Put the two U bolts through the holes inthe gripper 2 Oneach U bolt put a washer a lock washer and a nut Note A polewith a small diameter usuallyrequires a second nut to hold the bracketawayfromtheU...

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Страница 29: ...s 2 UselockwashersandnutstosecurethebrackettotheU bolts 3 Hangthenodewith thehooks overtherailofthebracket Hooks 4 WiththePhillipsscrewdrivertightenthefourcaptivescrewstosecurethe nodetothebracket The...

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Страница 35: ...ryourfingerstoturnthepressurevalvecounterclockwise ToresetaHotPort5020edgenode 1 Supplypowertothenode WaituntilthestatusLEDcomeson Afteroneminute thenodeisreadytobe reset 2 Withawrenchoryourfingerstur...

Страница 36: ...ater check box the scheduler copies the firmware imagetothenodebutdoesnotactivatethefirmware Whenyouscheduleanupgradetime SchedulerOperation Later theHotView server ifitisrunning starts thejobatthesch...

Страница 37: andthenselect themesh or devicebyID or name Note Thesystemselectsallnodeswithinameshforsimultaneousupgrade becauseallofthenodeshavetorunthesamefirmware Ifanodeshouldnot receivetheupgradeimage youca...

Страница 38: ...anewlink 1 ConnectanEthernetcablefromtheoperationalHotPort5020 LNKnodeto the computer 2 StartHotViewPro 3 GotoMesh AddMesh 4 LogintotheoperationalHotPort LNKnode 5 Savetheconfiguration file of the nod...

Страница 39: ...Troubleshooting 33 8 RemovetheEthernetcable...

Страница 40: ...Troubleshooting 34...

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Страница 42: ...mastictapeputdirectlyonthecable Vinyl electricaltapeasacoveroverthemastictapepreventsthemasticfrommelting in hot weather Rubbersplicingormastictape alsoknownasself amalgamating self sealing self fusin...

Страница 43: ...rethattheFiretidedeviceworks 5 Wrapalayerofelectrical tape stickyside out overthe connector fromthe end to approximately2 5 cm 1inch of cable Overlap the tape by 40 with eachturn Note Wrap the electri...

Страница 44: ...erthefirst layerofelectrical tape Theantennaconnectorisreadyforinstallationinanoutdoorenvironment Makingaweatherproofcabletonodeconnection You need to make weatherproof two connections Fromtheantennac...

Страница 45: ...r 3 Ensurethatthecableandconnectors areclean Cleanoff oil water grease anddirtbeforeyoucontinue 4 Wrap a layer of electrical tape sticky side out over the arrestor to node connectorandwrapapproximatel...

Страница 46: ...f mastictapeovertheelectrical tape Makea 40 overlap on each turn Start from the base of the unit to at least 2 5 cm 1 inch of the cable 7 Wrap a layer of electrical tape smoothsideout sticky sidein ov...
