NAC (Notification Appliance Circuit) Operation
Document #51003 Rev.E 01/11/02 P/N 51003:E
NAC (Notification Appliance Circuit) Operation
There are two NACs on the MS-9200. For software releases prior to P/N 73750, NAC 1 is programmable and factory
defaulted to general alarm, silenceable and March Time coding operation. NAC 2 is not programmable and is fixed
as general alarm, nonsilenceable and may not perform coded functions.
For software releases 73750 or greater, both NAC 1 and NAC 2 are programmable. Both NACs may be either
silenceable or nonsilenceable and may be programmed as steady or coded operations. Coded operation includes
March Time, Temporal or California types. Refer to “Coded Operation - NAC 1 and NAC 2” on page 57, for addi-
tional information on coding.
Control-By-Event Operation
Each addressable detector and monitor module can be assigned to one software alarm zone. Control modules may be
assigned to a maximum of three software zones. A general alarm zone (Z00) may be listed for output (control)
points, but it is not necessary to list Z00 for input points, as this is the default zone. Z00 is not activated by supervi-
sory points.
When an input device (addressable detector or module) alarms and is not disabled, it activates all software zones
assigned to it. An output device (control module or NAC) that is not disabled is turned on when any of the software
zones, to which it is mapped, become active.
Detector Functions
Maintenance Alert
Each detector is monitored by the control panel for its maintenance status. If a detector is within 80% of its alarm
threshold for a 24 hour period, a 'maintenance alert' message will be automatically displayed, signaling that the detec-
tor needs servicing.
Automatic Test Operation
An automatic test of each detector is performed every two hours. The detector's sensing chamber and electronics are
functionally tested for normal, safe operation. A trouble message is displayed upon failure of this test. System Reset
clears this trouble.
Detector Data
An addressable smoke detector’s ability to detect smoke can change over time as a result of component deterioration
due to environmental contaminants and dirt. A listing of each addressable smoke detector’s sensing data can be
printed by the control panel while in Read Status mode. Refer to “Read Status” on page 58.
Type Code Supervision
The MS-9200 monitors hardware device type codes (CP350, SD350, SD350T, MMF-300, MMF-301, MMF-302,
CRF-300 and CMF-300) at slow intervals. Mismatch of any type code, compared to the system program, will cause
a device trouble.
System Alarm Verification
The panel may be programmed to perform alarm verification. Alarm verification applies to detectors only. Refer to
“Alarm Verification” on page 58, for a description of the Alarm Verification Timer.