Document #51003 Rev.E 01/11/02 P/N 51003:E
Alarm Operation
If multiple trouble conditions exist in the system, they will be scrolled on the LCD display automatically at a three
second rate.
If a combination of alarms, troubles and/or supervisory conditions occur in the system simultaneously,
only the alarms are scrolled on the display.
If the Acknowledge/Step key is pressed, the display stops on the present
item for one minute or until the Acknowledge/Step key is pressed again. As the Acknowledge/Step key is pressed,
the MS-9200 displays events in the following priority order:
Alarms in address order
Supervisories in address order
Troubles in address order
Alarm Operation
Alarm operation is similar to trouble operation, but with the following differences:
• The piezo sounder produces a steady output, not pulsed
• The System Alarm (not Trouble) LED flashes
• ALARM: device name, type and address are displayed
• Alarms latch and
are not allowed to clear automatically
• Alarms activate software zones (control-by-event logic) if so programmed
• Timers (Silence Inhibit, Autosilence, Trouble Reminder) are started
• Alarms activate the general alarm relay and zone Z00 (NAC 1 and NAC 2)
• The trouble relay is not activated
A typical alarm display would be:
Supervisory Operation
Supervisory operation is similar to alarm operation but with the following differences:
• The piezo sounder is a warbling sound
• The Supervisory LED (not Alarm) flashes
• The Display Status label is Active
• Supervisory relay is activated
• Silenced alarms are not resounded
• Timers are not started
• The alarm relay is not activated
A typical Supervisory event would display:
Note that, like alarms, supervisory signals latch (except when programmed for supervisory autoresettable) and can be
assigned to a software zone. Supervisory alarms do not cause resound as do other alarm conditions. Open circuits in
supervisory wiring are processed by the MS-9200 the same way as other trouble conditions.